Andrew started "T-ball skills" this month. The practices teach the kids how to play T-ball. Andrew is learning a lot. He is learning to keep his eye on the ball, patience and listening. The coach always instructs the kids to only run to first base then stop. Then when the next kid hits the ball, you run to second. Then when the third kid hits the ball you run to third, and finally when the fourth kid hits the ball you run home. Well it never fails, every time Andrew goes up to bat, he never stops, he run all of the bases and hits a "home run". It is a crack up! No matter how many times he is told what to do, he just keeps running. And this kid runs fast and serious. He takes his speed personally. He pumps his arms super fast and the look on his face it one of a tough and strong four year old.
I love seeing Andrew learn new sports and interact with a coach. He is always so proud of himself at the end of each practice. He wears his glove home and is always found punching the inside of it, like a pro ball player. Both Grandpa's are thrilled he is learning the game, and daddy can't wait to introduce him to water polo...maybe next summer.