Demboski Diary

Demboski Diary

Stories of our life...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A warm afternoon nap

Ashley Marie is so easy going. She needs to be I guess to keep up with this family. At this age, Andrew and Allison were on a strict schedule: Nap from 10:00-12:00 then again from 2:00-4:00. If I implemented that schedule, it would leave no time for Andrew and Allison to get out and explore their world. So being the super awesome little sister, Ashley goes with the flow and it not picky about where she sleeps. She gets dragged to the beach at least two times a week, concerts in the park once a week, playdates, movies, wading pools and long walks and bike rides. This after noon it was too hot to go anywhere, so the kids went for a dip in the kiddie pool in the backyard. Ashley played on the blanket on the grass and soon drifted off to sleep, binky in mouth. Liberty would walk by every so often, lick her face and then the kids would splash water on her legs. She is laid back, sweet, soft and portable.

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