Demboski Diary

Demboski Diary

Stories of our life...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cute Things I don't want to forget

Allison says "Whobody". The other day we had an extra chair at the kitchen table and she asked us "whobody will sit over there?"

Andrew says that pirates are from the "care-a-bean"

I just put the kids to bed when Andrew came out of his room and crawled up on the couch to cuddle me. I told him he was laying on the charm to stay up later. After a few minutes of cuddle time, I told him it was time to go back to bed and he said "but I am not done laying on the charm".

I asked Allison the other day whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas time she replied "Baby Jesus, he is a boy and Jesus has a penis."

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