Demboski Diary

Demboski Diary

Stories of our life...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

daddy fell off the ladder

Today was an eventful day for our little family. It started off with me having a strong desire to decorate for autumn. So before Paul jumped in the shower to get ready to go to work, I grabbed him to go up into the attic in the garage and bring down the decorations. He was barefoot an in a hurry, never a good combination. He made it up the ladder safe and sound but coming down was a whole other story. He lost his balance and down he came along with a heavy box. I thought he may have hurt his back when he hit the ground, but he actually sliced his toe open on the foot of the ladder. There wasn't a lot of blood, so I didn't think it was that serious, until Paul told me that he thought he was going to be sick. I looked more carefully and notice that I could see the bone in his toe and that his toe had almost sliced off and was pretty much hanging. I had no idea what to do. I knew he had to get to a hospital, but wasn't sure how I would manage this with 2 kids an pregnant belly and a hubby who couldn't walk. Then Paul tells me he thinks he is going to pass out and his back is killing him. I knew I didn't have much of a choice and I had to call 911. I told Andrew what I was going to do and he was so excited and kept yelling an running saying "emergency, we have an emergency!". I told him I really needed him to be a good listener an get himself dressed and to help Allison get dressed, he ran off with such urgency that it made me laugh. In the meantime I dial 911 which I have never done before and ask for an ambulance.
The next thing I know there are 2 fire trucks on our street and a whole bunch of firemen standing on our driveway. They decided that Paul needed to be transported to the hospital. I loaded up the kids and called Paul's folks to meet us at the hospital.
Paul's parents pulled up to the hospital right at the same time as we did, so I was able to be with Paul the whole time. It was kind of sad because the paramedics down-played his injury when they brought him in and it wasn't until the doctor came in to see him that they noticed how close he was to amputating his toe. The called his a near glove amputation because the only thing left intact was the bone and almost all of the tissue was amputated.
After Zofran, Morphine, Solu-merol, prednisone, vicodin, Ancef and Ibuprofen, Paul started to feel better...slightly.
Now every time Andrew and Allison see a fire truck or an ambulance, they think someone has fallen off the ladder.

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