Demboski Diary

Demboski Diary

Stories of our life...

Friday, October 7, 2016

First haircut

Ashton got his haircut tonight. He cried and so did I. His new look makes him look less crazy haired baby and more like a clean cut boy. He sobbed and a puddle of drool and tears gathered on his drape. I feel happy and thrilled that he is my last baby. I love him and his infancy that has come to an end. I'm ok with enjoying all of his firsts and lasts, but that doesn't mean I am not going to cry through it all. I am a mommy after all and crying is what I do best. Watching my kids grow up is bitter sweet. I want them to grow, learn and prosper, but I still want to wash them in the sink with baby shampoo. I survived my last first haircut.

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