Demboski Diary

Demboski Diary

Stories of our life...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Andrew Got His Cast Off!

It was a big day for Andrew. We went to a new pediatric orthopedic surgeon and he removed Andrew's cast. Andrew was so nervous to have the cast saw come near him, but the cast tech was very patient and much more warm than the last person who had to take off his cast last time. After a quick set of xrays, it was determined that the bone healed beautifully.
Some of things that I learned after having a child with a cast one is that the cast will ruin your furniture! For some strange reason, Andrew thought it would be a great idea to run the rough cast on our coffee table, stripping the stain off and "sanding" it down. The scratches did quite a bit of damage. Another thing that I learned it that the hair on your skin under the cast seems to grow fast and thick. Thankfully the doctor said it will go away. The last thing I learned about a kid with a cast is that once the cast is removed,  he will keep his arm in the same position as it was when he had the cast on, just out of habit and comfort.
When we got home, Andrew decided to take the cast off of Fred. He was so excited to share this moment with Fred.

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